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Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Dear Parent/Carer,

 Year 11 Parents’ Evening – Thursday 3rd April 3.30pm -7.00pm

 We would like to invite you to Year 11 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 3rd April between 3.30pm and 7.00pm.

This is an important evening which provides you with the opportunity to speak with your child’s subject teachers and discuss their progress in Year 11 so far.

The appointment booking system will go live on Monday 24th March at 10.30am.

All appointments need to be made through your MCAS (MyChildAtSchool) account. Please visit the website or download the app if you have not already done so.

 If would like support with booking your appointments, please do not hesitate to contact Reception on 0117 3772700 or the Year 11 Team on 07599 101207.

Thank you for your continued support, it is very much appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Harry Withers

Head of Year 11