Year 10 Work Experience – Monday 12th June to Friday 16th June 2023
Dear Parent/Carer
Year 10 Work Experience – Monday 12th June to Friday 16th June 2023
Following the Year 10 assembly about work experience today, I would like to take this opportunity to provide parents/carers with some more information around the programme.
We are pleased to confirm that our Year 10 students have the opportunity to participate in Work Experience during the summer term. The work experience dates are Monday 12th– Friday 16th June 2023.
This is an experience that has greatly benefited previous students in learning new skills, gaining confidence and helping them to plan for the future.
We encourage students to find a placement within a career area they are interested in, as this can help them make decisions about their college or apprenticeship applications in Year 11. All work experience is valuable in gaining skills and experience and will look good on a CV.
The Academy does not have a list of prearranged placements to offer students and it is good for students to identify places they would like to work and then contact those companies themselves. The chosen organisation must have current employer liability insurance.
There are a number of schools in the area who also have their Year 10’s completing their work experience during the summer term and places can often be snapped up early. There are some business sectors such as engineering, healthcare and animal care which are very competitive, so therefore, is important to apply quickly.
Tutors and PSHE teachers are on hand to support students in their search for a placement and I am available at various times throughout the week in the Academy, or via email on [email protected] . A list of organisations who have previously taken students for work experience will be shared with your child as this can be useful to look through to get some initial ideas.
You will shortly receive an email with a link to an online Form. Once your child has secured a work experience placement, please click the link to complete the Form with all the relevant details of the company your child has made contact with. As soon as this is completed, we can start all necessary safeguarding checks and risk assessments and confirm the placement has been approved. No placement is confirmed until all checks have been completed and the placement has been signed off.
Any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact me at the Academy.
Yours faithfully
Mr Craig Jordan
Careers & Employability Coach