Uniform Letter
Dear Parent/Carer
I would like to take this opportunity to remind Parents/Carers about our Academy uniform expectations.
Further uniform information can be viewed on our website http://bristolbrunelacademy.clf.uk/our-academy/uniform/ . We expect students to wear full, correct uniform every day.
- White collared short/long sleeved shirt
- Plain black blazer
- BBA house tie (purchased via ParentPay or cash at reception)
- Black tailored trousers (No leggings, chinos or skinny fit)
- Black skirt (knee length)
- Plain black shoes or trainers (no colour on any part)
- Black V neck Jumper – Plain or with BBA logo
- Black Cardigan – with BBA logo (available from Monkhouse)
- Plain Black shoes or trainers
- Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms (plain or with BBA logo)
- Red polo shirt (plain or with BBA logo)
- Black hoodie (plain or with BBA logo)
- BBA leggings – only available from Monkhouse. No other leggings are permitted, this is for quality reasons
Please can you ensure that your child has the correct uniform and equipment every day. We will be asking students to return home and change if they arrive wearing incorrect uniform. Parents/carers will be informed of this. If students are unable to go home and collect their own clothes, we will ask them to wear uniform from our own supply, some of which is brand new. We expect this to be given back at the end of the day. In the unlikely event that there are no suitable items available within school we can give students a pink slip for that day.
Branded Academy uniform can be purchased from Monkhouse School wear Specialists 140 East Street, Bedminster, Bristol BS3 4EW, online at www.monkhouse.com. Non-branded items can be purchased at other retail outlets/supermarkets.
If you require help acquiring uniform, please contact the year teams and we will support where we are able. We also offer a swapping service where you can bring outgrown items in, and we will endeavour to swap them for bigger items.
Thank you for your support.
Yours faithfully
Tara Paisey
Assistant Principal