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School Day – September 2024

22nd April 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

Over the last year, we have been listening to student and parent feedback on how we run our school day
and lunchtime provision and would like to propose some changes to the school day from September 2024:

• Lunchtime will be reduced from two sittings to one sitting at the same time for all students. The
lunch break will be 40 minutes long, an increase of ten minutes from the current 30 minutes.
This will enable students to have more time to eat their lunch, enjoy time with their friends and
have access to their pastoral team. To reduce queuing times for all students, two year groups will
come out from lessons 5 minutes early. We will also add an additional till in the canteen.

• Tutor time will move from the end of the school day to the beginning. A Tutor will be the first point
of call for students and parents, and giving students the opportunity to speak to their Tutor first
thing in the morning will help them to be prepared for the day ahead. Tutor time will be reduced to 25 minutes.

• To accommodate these changes, the school day will start at 8.35am.
The length of lessons will not be affected by these changes. The proposed new school day will look like

TUTOR 8.35 – 9.00
P1 9.00 – 9.50
P2 9.50 – 10.40

BREAK 10.40 – 11.00
P3 11.00 – 11.50
P4 11.50 – 12.40

LUNCH 12.40 – 1.20
P5 1.20 – 2.10
P6 2.10 – 3.00

We would like to trial the new school day for one week from Tuesday 7th May (Monday 6th May is Bank
Holiday and the Academy will be closed).

This will not affect our Year 11 GCSE exams and these will continue to run as planned.

It is essential that students are in school on time in the morning. Please support your child to be in school
by 8.30am and in their classrooms for an 8.35am start. Students who arrive to school after 8:30am will
automatically receive a break time detention and failure to attend the detention will result in a period of
time spent in the Safety Net.

Breakfast club will continue to run as normal; students can enter the building at 8.15am to access this

During the exam period, Year 11 students will have access to the building from 8.00am should they want to
come in and prepare for their exams and talk to their teachers.

Following the trial week, we will be seeking feedback from students, parents and staff to guide our thinking
and planning for September.

Over the next two weeks we will be discussing the trial week with our students in assemblies and in tutor

Yours sincerely,
Jen Cusack