Rescheduled Year 9 Options Evening: Thursday 7th March 4.30pm – 6.30pm
Dear Parent/Carer
Rescheduled Year 9 Options Evening: Thursday 7th March 4.30pm – 6.30pm.
We are writing to invite you to the rescheduled Year 9 Options Evening on Thursday 7th March 2024. This is a crucial time in your child’s education with some important decisions to make, therefore we strongly encourage attendance for both you and your child.
The evening will run from 4.30pm-6.30pm and, during this time, you will have the opportunity to explore the different courses and qualifications that we offer at Key Stage 4. Members of staff from each department will be available to speak to during the evening; our curriculum leaders and subject specialists have a wealth of knowledge and will be able to answer any questions you may have.
There will also be a chance to attend a 15-minute presentation with the Year Team who will talk through the options form and explain the option selection process. The presentations will be held in the Main Hall at the time intervals below.
As students approach this crucial stage of their education, they will need support and guidance. The evening will contain important information for both you and your child. Students will be given an Options Booklet on the evening with detailed subject and course information, along with guidance on how to make appropriate choices.
Here are the key dates for the 2024 options process:
Thursday 29th February – Paper options form and Options Booklets given to students
Thursday 7th March – Options Evening 4.30-6.30pm
Monday 11th March – Deadline for submission of options forms
Term 5 – Separate science selection assessment
Term 6 – Confirmation of option subjects
As you will notice, in a change to the original options timeline, the paper options form will be given to students prior to Options Evening. If students submit their form and then wish to change their options after attending Options Evening, they will need to email [email protected] as this will be a manual process.
We strongly encourage students to submit their forms only when they are certain of their choices. Please note that options are not given on a first come, first served basis and therefore your child will not be at a disadvantage by waiting to submit their choices until Monday 11th March.
Below are some frequently asked questions regarding the process:
Do I need to book appointments for options evening?
No – the event runs as an options fair; you can browse subject information and speak to staff about the
subjects that they teach at your own pace.
How should completed forms be submitted?
Options forms should be handed to a member of the Year Team at the Year 9 sign-in desk in the morning– Mrs
Baker, Mr Ferguson, Mr Hall or Miss Taz. Alternatively, they can be given in at Options Evening.
What subjects do students have to study?
All students study and receive qualifications in English language, English literature, maths and science. All
students have lessons in core PE and PSHE but do not receive qualifications in these subjects (although
students can opt to study PE for GCSE if they wish).
I’m not able to come to Options Evening, where can I find information to support my child to make their
An electronic copy of the Options Booklet will be sent to families w/c 26th February. Hard copies will also be
provided to students during tutor time.
Which options give my child the best options for future careers?
Where possible, all students should choose a language and one humanities subject (history, geography or
religious studies) – this will provide them with a suite of GCSEs that fulfil EBacc requirements which studies
show help to improve performance in English and maths. Please visit the below website for more information
on EBacc:
If you have any further questions, please email Emma Baker on [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 7th March.
Yours sincerely,
Emma Baker James Ferguson
Year 9 Achievement Year Leader Associate Assistant Principal