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Information regarding recorded Webinars for Young People and Parents/Carers – SCESS

Dear Parents/Carers,

We would like to share with you our webinar series specially tailored for young people, in collaboration with the Schools and Colleges Early Support Service.

The topics have been chosen to reflect common difficulties young people may experience. These webinars provide useful advice for young people to support them in looking after their own mental health.

Young people can register to view these webinars using the links below. Once registered, these webinars can be viewed more than once and at any time, for up to 30 days.

We are also launching some new webinars for parents/carers to access on demand over the holidays.

Webinars for Young People:

How to manage exam stress

Stress levels can be higher than usual around exam time. A bit of stress can help us to stay motivated but too much can be unhelpful. This webinar will help your young people to find the best ways to manage their stress levels and stay calm before, during and after their exams.

Click here to register to watch.

Passcode to watch webinar on demand: N7dqw!=C


How to manage low mood

We all experience low mood in different ways. It can not only impact upon how we feel but it can also affect how we live our lives day to day, including our relationships, eating and sleeping patterns, concentration and school/college work. It can lead to feelings of hopelessness and stop us from enjoying the things we normally would. This webinar will help your young people to understand what low mood is, help them to spot the signs of low mood and support them to look after themselves by using self-care strategies.

Click here to register to watch.

Passcode to watch webinar on demand: 8u*8j+Nl


How to manage anxiety

Anxiety is a normal part of life and can affect anyone. A bit of anxiety from time to time is normal, it can help with motivation at school/college, sport or work. However, if anxious feelings don’t go away, they can interfere with our ability to concentrate, socialise with friends and generally enjoy life. This webinar will help your young people to recognise the signs of anxiety and understand how anxiety impacts on their thoughts, feelings and behaviours. The webinar will also support them to reduce and manage anxious feelings by using self-care strategies.

Click here to register to watch.

Passcode to watch webinar on demand: CWuA+2#2


NEW Webinars for Parents/Carers:

Supporting your young person with anxiety before results day

Exams and the period leading up to exam results can understandably feel quite stressful for many young people and their families. This webinar will explore ways in which you can support your young person with feelings of anxiety before results day. We will offer top tips from our Young Champions and healthy strategies that you can use to support both yours and your young person’s mental wellbeing.

Click here to register to watch.

Passcode to watch webinar on demand: c+P7K=%3


How to support your young person with low mood

Low mood does not just affect adults. Young people can experience low mood too. Common signs of low mood often include sadness that does not go away, feeling irritable all of the time, not being interested in things that used to be enjoyed, feeling tired and exhausted a lot of the time. Things that might increase low mood include family difficulties, bullying, bereavement, parental separation, friendship issues. Our webinar will offer some insight into spotting the signs and symptoms of low mood, understand why young people are vulnerable to experiencing this and offer evidence-based strategies to support a young person.

Click here to register to watch.

Passcode to watch webinar on demand: 5FMJ$.5Q


How to support your young person with anxiety

It is normal to sometimes feel anxious, however for some adolescents, anxiety can become a significant problem that stops them from doing things, e.g., talking to new people, going out with friends, or doing their best in exams. The focus of this webinar will be on what parents/carers can do to help their teens who are experiencing anxiety. It will cover when anxiety is normal vs. problematic, common anxieties during adolescence (exam stress, social anxiety and worries about identity and development), the relationship between parent-child anxiety, and how and when to access support for you and your child. We will also discuss a couple of ‘real world’ examples of common adolescent anxieties and different strategies that may be helpful in those situations.

Click here to register to watch.

Passcode to watch webinar on demand: C0Y4bVF@


Transition to secondary school:  supporting your year 7 child with the ending and new beginning

The move from primary school to secondary school can feel both exciting and overwhelming for your child. This webinar will explore ways that you can support your child during this period of change. Top tips will be shared to help you to consider challenges and opportunities that may arise during transition, spotting when your child may be struggling, strategies to help you to support your child and exploring your own wellbeing. Resources will be shared on how you/they might seek further support if needed.

Click here to register to watch.

Passcode to watch webinar on demand: ^#81sxNP


NEW Webinars to support your mental health

NEW ParentCarer Webinars to support young people’s mental health