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End of Year Letter from Ms Cusack

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am writing to confirm our plans for the last day of this term and our return in September. I want to thank you for your continued support in ensuring your child is successful here at BBA. It has been a busy year, as you will have seen in our termly newsletters, with much to celebrate and to be proud of with what our students have achieved.

End of Year Plans
The last day of term is Tuesday 23rd July and there will be an early finish for all students.
Students will have their normal lessons in periods 1 and 2. They will spend periods 3 and 4 with their Tutor and have their end of year rewards assembly, where we celebrate their success and achievements. Departure plans are as follows:
12:15pm – Year 7 to leave via the main entrance.
12:15pm – Year 8 to leave via the main entrance.
12:20pm – Year 9 to leave via the main entrance.
12.20pm – Year 10 to leave via the main entrance.
Those entitled to Free School Meals will be able to collect food at breaktime from any of the food serveries.

Prior to the end of year please remind your child to do the following:

To check lost property, for any items they may be missing. We have a large amount of lost property that we will display in the reception area. Any remaining lost property will be taken to charity.

To clear out their lockers for cleaning during the holidays. Any items left in lockers will be removed and placed in black bags behind reception, and if not claimed taken to charity.

In September we expect all students to be in full school uniform. The wearing of a house tie and blazer are compulsory. A black v neck jumper may be worn, either a plain one or one that has the BBA logo. Students may continue to wear black tailored shorts throughout the year should they wish.
Please be aware that students will be sent home if they are not in the correct uniform. Clothes that are not permitted include leggings, tracksuit bottoms, shoes that are not black, sweatshirts, jumpers with non-BBA logos and very short skirts. Skirts need to be worn at a professional length, to the knee. A reminder that the PE hoody is for PE lessons only and cannot be worn outside of PE. There will be a big push in September to ensure that our students wear their uniform correctly and with pride. I strongly believe that uniform is a social leveller which is why we will continue to ensure it is a high priority for all students.

We have a site ban on all mobile phones, headphones and air pods. This is to ensure that we safeguard all students and are GDPR compliant. I would appreciate your support in this matter. Please contact reception if you need to contact your child during the Academy day.

Plans for September 2024

Monday 2nd September – Staff INSET day – No students on site.

Tuesday 3rd September – Staff INSET day – No students on site.

Wednesday 4th September (8:20am) – Year 7 only.

Thursday 5th September (8:20am) – All Year Groups.

The School Day
The Academy will open at 8:10am for students to access breakfast club which is free to all students. A reminder that lessons will now begin at 8:35am – all students need to be in the building by 8:30am at the latest, preferably 8:20am, to ensure that they have plenty of time. The school day will look like this:

Doors open at 8:10

8:35 – 9:00
9:00 – 9:50
9:50 – 10:40
10:40 – 11:00
11:00 – 11:50
11:50 – 12:40
12:40 – 1:20
1:20 – 2:10
2:10 – 3:00

As you are aware, with effect from September the tutor period will be at the beginning of the day. We have relaunched the role of the tutor with our staff as we want to ensure that we are supporting our students to have a successful day and build stronger relationships between tutors and students. For this to be successful, students need to be in on time for this session, late arrivals will receive a same day break detention. If you have any concerns regarding your child, please contact your child’s tutor in the first instance. We would welcome your support to ensure your child is equipped with the essentials for learning. This includes a calculator and a pencil case containing a green pen, highlighter, pencils and several blue/black pens. Tutor emails will be shared with you at the start of the term.

We have a fantastic library with a huge variety of books that students can access.
In September, at the end of lunch, students in Year 7, 8 and 9 will have the opportunity to read their own book for ten minutes every day. Please ensure that your child has a book in their bag when they come to school.

Thank you to all parents and carers for your support throughout the year. We look forward to welcoming our students back to the Academy in September. Enjoy the summer break and stay safe.

Jen Cusack