Breakfast Club changes
February 2024
Dear Parents/Carers
Thank you for your ongoing support during this busy term. We would like to inform you of some
changes to the morning arrangements at school. These changes will take place from Monday 19th February:
Breakfast Club
We will be changing the time of our breakfast club to support more students in accessing this
opportunity and setting themselves up for a successful day.
We would like to welcome all students for breakfast club at 8:15am through the main entrance.
Students will be able to come in and sit in the main hall and will then need to remain in this
space due to staffing.
Beginning Of Day Arrangements
All students need to arrive via the main entrance by 8:20am each morning. The Duncombe Lane
entrance to school will no longer be open in the morning and all students will enter via the main
entrance on Speedwell Road.
We will, however, continue to open the gate on the top of Duncombe Lane for students to exit to
ease congestion at the end of the day.
Students will no longer be required to line up outside. Uniform will be checked on the main
entrance by staff each day, and students who do not have the correct uniform will be asked to go
home and correct it. Please note, a member of staff will call you before the student is sent home.
Please make sure that your child has the correct uniform for the start of the new term.
If you need any support with uniform, contact the Year Team:
We offer a swap shop where you can swap uniform that doesn’t fit. Please let your Year Team
know if you would like to swap any uniform. We are also always happy to receive uniform
donations which we then use to support other families.
Yours sincerely
Tara Paisey
Assistant Principal