Year 6 Transition
Welcome to Bristol Brunel Academy
Dear New Year 7 Students, Parents and Carers,
A very warm welcome to Bristol Brunel Academy. We feel very proud that you have chosen us for your secondary education, we take this commitment from you very seriously and strive for excellence in all that we do. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the academy and settling you in to our routines. I have the pleasure of leading a school full of talented professionals that take exceptional care of our young people. We understand that sometimes moving up to secondary school feels like a big step and we are here to support you as you begin your journey with us.
If you need anything or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the Academy.
Important Dates
Welcome Videos
Virtual Tour
Please click on the following link to view a selection of videos introducing you to the different subjects at BBA.
Documents to follow
Year 7 Welcome & Information Booklet 2025
Documents to follow
Preparing for Transition
Transition to secondary school: supporting your year 7 child with the ending and new beginning
The move from primary school to secondary school can feel both exciting and overwhelming for your child. This webinar will explore ways that you can support your child during this period of change. Top tips will be shared to help you to consider challenges and opportunities that may arise during transition, spotting when your child may be struggling, strategies to help you to support your child and exploring your own wellbeing. Resources will be shared on how you/they might seek further support if needed.
Click here to register to watch.
Passcode to watch webinar on demand: ^#81sxNP
Learning Support
The Learning Support Faculty supports students with a range of learning needs, including students with a special educational need or disabilities (SEND), English as an additional language (EAL), children in care (CiC) or previously looked after children (PLACs).
Further information on Learning Support at BBA is available under the Learning Support section of the website.
We know that preparing for transition to secondary school is so important, especially if a child has additional needs.
The Learning Support Team at BBA work closely with primary schools to make sure information about the needs of students are shared with us and we use this to support transition.
We also know that parents/carers are the experts on their child, and we welcome working in partnership with you. Please do contact us at BBA if you would like to discuss the transition of your child.
Useful information for EAL Families
BBA Enrichment/Inclusion Groups
Free School Meals
If your child is already in receipt of government Free School Meals this will automatically come across when they start with us. Further information on applying to receive Free School Meals is available here: