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SEND and Learning Support

Bristol Brunel Academy is an inclusive academy which caters for a diversity of educational needs.

Our SEND Coordinators

Our Lead SENDCO is Mr Marius Dan, and he can be contacted on: [email protected]

Our assistant SENDCOs are Jess Cicero ([email protected]) and Alex Pearce ([email protected]).

Learning Support

Our Learning Support Team support students with a range of learning needs including Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) including medical needs, Young Carers, Children in Care (CiC) or Previously Looked After Children (PLAC) and students with English as an Additional Language.

Parent Learning Support Booklet 2024

Quick Guide to the SEND Information Report

SEND Information Report and Policies

What is SEND – Special Education Need and Disabilities?

A child has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision, in addition to what is provided for their other peers, to be made for him or her. Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can affect a child’s ability to learn. They can broadly affect their:

  • Ability to understand/process information socially and in learning
  • Reading, writing, numeracy
  • Ability to concentrate and focus on a task
  • Emotional or mental health –maintaining a positive self-esteem and feelings -leading to anxiety or low mood
  • Behaviour – learning to regulate their emotions; and social interaction – the way they talk to adults and other children
  • Sensory / Physical ability, including visual, hearing, motor coordination, spatial awareness or medical.

What other learning needs are there?

Children may have other learning needs such as English as an additional language or having missed gaps in education for various reasons. The Learning Support Team also provide support for students who are Children in Care or previously looked after children and those which have medical needs.

What happens if your child is struggling to access learning at BBA?

Our teachers plan their lessons to a high standard to meet a wide range of needs in their classes. Some children require more support than others, so the teacher will adapt their teaching to meet the needs of these children. This is known as Quality First Teaching.

If a child appears to be struggling more than usual, the teacher will notify the Year Team. The teacher will communicate with the LS team to explore possible support strategies. They will monitor the effectiveness of these strategies and track your child’s progress. In most cases, this additional support helps the child make progress and regain their usual learning pace.

If your child does not show signs of progress, the teacher will refer them to the Learning Support Team. We will contact you to discuss your child’s needs, and further assessments may be carried out. Additional support will be put in place, and their progress will be monitored. At this stage, known as SEND Support, your child may also be added to the SEND register.

The extra support may be from in school provision- including assessments, interventions, assistive technology used in lessons or access to additional adult support. We may seek the help of appropriate outside agencies, but we’ll talk through this with you. We may also ask you to visit your GP to further investigate your child’s needs. You will be updated about your child’s progress and next steps through parent’s evenings, learning support evenings, communication from teachers/SENCo and reports.

If your child’s needs are complex, long term and personalised support is needed for them consistently to access their learning, then we will consider the following:

We may start having Annual Reviews and put a Support Plan in place so that we can look at progress and needs over time.

We may ask an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Paediatrician or another specialist to meet with you and your child.

We may talk with you about applying for an Education, Health and Care Plan issued by the Local Authority.

Who can apply for an Education, Health and Care Plan?

Anyone involved with the child – parents, carers, social worker, education and health professionals – can apply to the local authority for a needs assessment for an Educational Health and Care Plan.

You can access further information on EHCPs, SEND and the Bristol Local Offer via their website: Bristol Local Offer Website

Where can I find out more about Learning Support at BBA?

Please visit the academy’s website and there is a dedicated Learning Support Parent Booklet.

Who can I talk to find out more?

Any of the following members of staff will be able to assist you in finding out more about Learning Support at BBA:

Marius Dan [email protected]  AAP Learning Support and Lead SENDCO

Jess Cicero  – [email protected] SENDCO

Alex Pearce – [email protected] (Assistant SENCO)

Jess Cochrane  – [email protected]

Nici Curley  – [email protected]  (Medical needs)

Kyli Willetts  – [email protected]

English as an additional language (EAL)

Some of the students who join BBA may need additional support as English is not their first language. EAL students are not considered to have a ‘Special Educational Need’ but are seen to benefit from the ability to live and learn in more than one language. BBA’s Statement of Intent outlines the provision we provide at BBA.

EAL Statement of Intent

Helen Greensmith [email protected] HLTA, EAL co-ordinator

Young Carers at Bristol Brunel Academy

We are aware that some students at Bristol Brunel Academy are young carers. Young carers are children and young people who look after someone in their family who has a disability, a long-term illness, or is affected by mental ill health or substance misuse. Young carers may look after parents, care for a brother or sister, or another family member.  Some students may not realise that they are young carers.
As a school, we are committed to offer extra support and ensure that young carers can enjoy school and achieve the best outcomes in all aspects of their lives.
At Bristol Brunel Academy we have designated young carers leads. Please feel free to contact us if you want to know more, or you think yourself or your child may be a young carer.

The designated young carers leads is:

Jess Cochrane  – [email protected]

In addition to our young carer leads we also have a member of the Senior Leadership Team; Marius Dan, who is clearly identifiable to pupils, staff, and families, as SLT Lead for Young Carers; [email protected]


SEND and Learning Support

Bristol Brunel Academy Bronze Certificate

Useful resources for young carers

Young Carers Support Centre Bristol and South Gloucestershire

Updated guidance for young people in a caring role

CIC and PLAC Students

BBA work closely with the Virtual Schools and social workers to support our Children in Care and Previously Looked After Children Please refer BBA’s policy or contact Jennifer Ross on [email protected] for any information.

Supporting students with Medical Needs

Some students may require additional support due to a long-term medical condition or a short illness or injury. Please refer to the Medical Policy and Children with heath needs who can’t attend school Policy, for further information.

SEND Newsletters

SEND Newsletter – February 2025

Additional Resources

Murmuration Community Therapy Courses

Murmuration Community Therapy – Navigation and Nurture

Murmuration Groups Flyer

Every Mind Matters

Inclusion Policy and SEND Information Report

Travel Training Tips for Parents/Carers

Supportive Parents CYP Info Page

Bristol Local Offer

Preparing for a virtual or telephone meeting

Written Statement of Action (WSoA)

FLORA – MANS flyer

CYP Participation Terms of Reference-updated