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Safeguarding Information

Our safeguarding email address is:

[email protected]

At Bristol Brunel Academy we have an important role to play in identifying concerns our students may have and helping to promote their health and wellbeing in and out of school. All staff at BBA are in a good position to do this early and each has a responsibility and a duty of care for keeping students safe and protecting them from harm.

At BBA we have a designated Safeguarding Team, who are on hand to deal with any concerns from Staff, Students, Parents and External Agencies:

Bristol Brunel Academy’s Inclusion and Safeguarding Lead is Colin Clements, who takes responsibility for Child Protection and Safeguarding issues.  This includes:

  • Advice and support to staff
  • Staff Training so all staff can identify the four main categories of abuse and are aware of our responsibilities in regard to: FGM, Forced Marriage, the Prevent Agenda and Promoting British Values
  • Linking with children’s services and working with other organisations

Safeguarding & Mental Health Team

Safeguarding Team

Mental Health Team

Support is also provided from the Special Educational Needs Team (SEN).

We also have a dedicated Attendance Officer and Careers Officer.

We provide outstanding and consistent pastoral care that supports students to be aspirational and ambitious in regards to their future. The range of support offered in order to remove barriers to learning illustrates our deliberate focus on each student being able to benefit from excellent teaching and achieve their potential. Staff are on hand throughout the school day to educate, support, guide and keep students safe.



Prevent is about safeguarding people and communities from the threat of terrorism. Prevent is 1 of the 4 elements of CONTEST, the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy. It aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

Incidents of extremism and radicalisation are rare and as such when they do occur, make the news. As with all safeguarding issues, it is important to be vigilant, and not complacent, but also not to panic.

What is extremism and radicalisation?

Prevent defines extremism as: “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also include in our definition of extremism calls for the death of members of our armed forces”

Radicalisation is defined by the UK Government within this context as “the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups.”


We live in a wonderfully diverse world, with both differences and similarities to celebrate. Exploring religious and different social beliefs, in a peaceful and non-violent way, is part of growing up and should not be confused with something more sinister. The best way to PREVENT extremism and radicalisation is by open discussion and increased understanding of each other.

Top tips for parents and carers to discuss radicalisation with young people


If you have a safeguarding or child protection concern in regard to a student it can be referred to the Child Protection Lead or deputies (Colin Clements, Sarah Fan, Caroline Wheeler) via BBA’s safeguarding email: [email protected]  (Term Time Only).

Alternatively you can refer straight to First Response; 0117 9036444.


Worried about your child’s behaviour or mental health and not sure what’s normal ? Wondering whether to go and see your GP ? Perhaps you’ve been referred to specialist services but there is a long wait ….. or perhaps you’ve been told the problem isn’t quite serious enough to be referred. Try this website for more information:

Happy Maps

If you need assistance with providing meals for your family, visit this website for more information, East Bristol Foodbank, Helping Local People in Crisis.

East Bristol Foodbank

For more information regarding racism and inequality, or to report a hate crime, please visit the link below where you will find advice, information and guidance.


Bristol Zero Tolerance