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Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing

What is Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing?

The World Health Organisation 2010 defines it as the following:

‘a state of mind in which an individual is able to realise his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.’

Why is it important?

It is important because this is what we truly want for our children.

Research has proven that without emotional and physical wellbeing, students will not be able to reach their full potential. There are government expectations that schools should support students and staff to be resilient and mentally healthy. They should provide a safe environment that fosters trust and belonging and create a culture that supports mental health

It is estimated that 1 in 4 children and young people will be affected by a mental health problem each year with 1 in 10 children in UK aged between 5 years and 16 years have a diagnosable mental health condition. In an average classroom, three young people will be suffering from a diagnosable mental health issue

Public Health England in March 2015 comment on the influence that a child’s emotional health & wellbeing has on their cognitive development & learning, as well as their physical and social health and their mental wellbeing in adulthood.

A whole school positive mental health and wellbeing approach that moves beyond learning & teaching to cover all aspects of school life has been found to be effective in bringing about sustained health benefits.

Positive Mental Health Policy

At Bristol Brunel Academy, we believe that positive mental health and wellbeing is the basis for a happy and successful life at school and beyond.

Positive Mental Health plays a key role in our school ethos, and shapes our policies and procedures.

We pursue this aim using both universal, whole academy approaches and specialised, targeted approaches aimed at vulnerable students.

In addition to promoting positive mental health, we aim to recognise and respond to mental ill health. By developing and implementing practical, relevant and effective mental health policies and procedures we can promote a safe and stable environment for students affected both directly, and indirectly by mental ill health.

As part of our commitment to ensuring that mental health and wellbeing is part of our core values, we have drawn up a Positive Mental Health Policy.

Positive Mental Health Policy

How can parents / carers support your child’s wellbeing at home?

As with every aspect of school life, effective support for students’ positive mental health and wellbeing depends on the strength of input from our families and the wider community.

Simply by being there for them and spending time talking with them you will be helping them develop the skills they need to overcome challenges in later life.

There is specific advice on ‘Talking to students when they make mental health disclosures’ within Appendix 5 of the Positive Mental Health Policy.

By working together, we can support our children more effectively.

Encouraging your child to engage with the school’s wellbeing activities and engaging in the enrichment activities.

Encouraging your child to seek support from:

  • their tutor or key worker
  • the Year Team
  • the School Counsellor
  • the Safeguarding Team.

For any concerns about a child’s wellbeing, please contact their Year Team using the dedicated email addresses below.

For any general concerns please contact our designated wellbeing lead, Colin Clements on the dedicated email address: [email protected]

Encourage your child to engage and access advice and support outside of the Academy.

Support for parents/carers support:

Newsletter Support

YP – Webinars to support your mental health

Summer Term Parent and Carer Webinar Information

OTR Resilient Parenting group

OTR Parent Pack

Young Minds 

CMH Workshops – Children’s Mental Health

Parental Minds

Charlie Waller Trust

CAMHS Advice and Guidance

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families

Sources of Advice and Support

Within the academy

Students can access support and advice through:

  • Tutors and key workers for students
  • Year Pastoral Leaders and Year Teams
  • The School Counsellors – self referral or referral through the pastoral teams
  • Any member of the safeguarding team or member of staff School Nurse every Wednesday lunchtime in G2.

You can contact the Safeguarding Team using the following email: [email protected]

Local services


Kooth is a free online service offering emotional and mental health support for children and young people, aged 11-25. Users can have a drop-in chat with a counsellor, therapist or book a one-to-one session. They have a monitored online forum and users can also record a journal.


Off The Record

Off the Record provides free and confidential mental health support, information and workshops for young people aged 11-25 in Bristol.

Call: 0808 808 9120

OTR Bristol

NHS Bristol

The Emotional Health Directory of Services for Children and Young People aims to be the single ‘go to’ place for information about children and young people’s emotional health in Bristol, including services commissioned by Bristol Clinical Commissioning Group. Access to support can be sought through your own GP


TESS is a text and email support service that is run by Self Injury Support, which offers help to girls and young women up to 24 in the UK who are affected by self-harm. 0780 047 2908 (Open Sunday – Friday, 7-9pm).

Self Injury Support

Zero Tolerance Bristol

Services addressing gender-based violence nationally and locally in Bristol.

Bristol Zero Tolerance

National Support / services

Anorexia & Bulimia Care (ABC)

ABC offers personal, ongoing, emotional support and practical guidance for recovery for people struggling with Anorexia Nervose, Bulimia Nervosa and binge eating, in addition to related self-harm.

Call: 03000 11 12 13

Anorexia Bulimia Care

Anxiety UK

Provides information and support for those living with anxiety.

Helpline 08444 775 774 Monday-Friday 09.30-5.30 Text Service: 07537416905

Anxiety UK


BEAT is the UK’s leading charity supporting anyone affected by eating disorders or difficulties with food, weight and shape.

Youthline: 0345 634 7650


Bullying UK

Provides advice on all aspects of bullying. www.bullying.co.uk / 0808 800 2222 CHILDLINE A 24-hour helpline for children and young people to discuss any issues they’re concerned about.

Call: 0800 1111


Happy Maps

Help for parents/carers on children’s mental health, from preschool to young adult. They have pooled some of the best resources and advice in one place. There are some useful videos and information on the different areas of mental health and wellbeing for parents and carers.

Happy Maps

Mood Gym

Information for adolescents with emotional/mental health and relationship difficulties

Mood Gym

National Self Harm Network

Support for individuals who self-harm to reduce emotional distress and improve their quality of life.

National Self Harm Network

NHS Choices – Young People and Mental Health

An information hub offering young people advice and help on mental health problems including depression, anxiety and stress.



A national charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide among young people.

Call: 0800 068 4141


SAM app for anxiety

Free: Information and ways of managing anxiety for young people.

Sam App

Talk To Frank

Friendly, confidential advice on drugs.

Call: 0300 123 6600 / live chat, text: 82111

Talk To Frank

The Mix

Support and information about how to cope with various issues, whether it’s mental health, money, relationships, finding a job, or drugs.

Call: 0808 808 4994

The Mix

Time To Change

Time to Change is a growing movement of people changing how we all think and act about mental health.

Time To Change

Winston’s Wish

A leading childhood bereavement charity offering practical support and guidance to bereaved children, their families and professionals.

Call: 08452 03 04 05

Winston’s Wish

Young Minds

Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.

Call: 020 7089 5050

Young Minds


OTR ZAZI, working with black young people and young people of colour to empower their voices and celebrate their identity:

OTR Bristol

TIGER, Supporting young people overcome gender based barriers: 

Tiger Bristol